1. 环境
- System:MacOS Monterey 12.5,M1 Pro
- Unity Editor: 2022.2.7f1
- JetBrains Rider: 2023.1
2. 导入包
可以尝试在Package Manager中直接搜索,能不能搜索到就要看Unity Editor的版本,如果是国内特供版是可以搜到的,如果是国际版则搜不到。
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| "scopedRegistries": [ { "name": "ILRuntime", "url": "https://registry.npmjs.org", "scopes": [ "com.ourpalm" ] } ],
在Package Manager中选中ILRuntime, 右边详细页面中有Samples,点击右方的Import to project
可以将ILRuntime的示例Demo直接导入当前工程。如果报错,内容关于unsafe code
,那么在PlayerSettings里的OtherSettings里找到Allow unsafe code,勾选上即可。
3. 委托适配器和委托转换器
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| Action<int, float> act;
appDomain.DelegateManager.RegisterMethodDelegate<int, float>();
1 2 3
| Func<int, float, bool> act;
appDomain.DelegateManager.RegisterFunctionDelegate<int, float, bool>();
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| delegate void CustomAction(int a, float b);
app.DelegateManager.RegisterDelegateConvertor<CustomAction>((action) => { return new CustomAction((a, b) => { return ((Action<int, float>)action)(a, b); }); });
4. CLR重定向和CLR绑定
对于无法直接调用的方法,如在Unity主工程中,通过new T()
例如,Activator.CreateInstance,它里面就是调用了刚刚说到的new T()
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| public static StackObject* CreateInstance(ILIntepreter intp, StackObject* esp, List<object> mStack, CLRMethod method, bool isNewObj) { //获取泛型参数<T>的实际类型 IType[] genericArguments = method.GenericArguments; if (genericArguments != null && genericArguments.Length == 1) { var t = genericArguments[0]; if (t is ILType)//如果T是热更DLL里的类型 { //通过ILRuntime的接口来创建实例 return ILIntepreter.PushObject(esp, mStack, ((ILType)t).Instantiate()); } else return ILIntepreter.PushObject(esp, mStack, Activator.CreateInstance(t.TypeForCLR));//通过系统反射接口创建实例 } else throw new EntryPointNotFoundException(); }
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| foreach (var i in typeof(System.Activator).GetMethods()) { //找到名字为CreateInstance,并且是泛型方法的方法定义 if (i.Name == "CreateInstance" && i.IsGenericMethodDefinition) { appdomain.RegisterCLRMethodRedirection(i, CreateInstance); } }
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| static void GenerateCLRBindingByAnalysis() { //用新的分析热更dll调用引用来生成绑定代码 var domain = new ILRuntime.Runtime.Enviorment.AppDomain(); using (var fs = new System.IO.FileStream("Assets/StreamingAssets/HotFix_Project.dll", System.IO.FileMode.Open, System.IO.FileAccess.Read)) { domain.LoadAssembly(fs); //Crossbind Adapter is needed to generate the correct binding code InitILRuntime(domain); ILRuntime.Runtime.CLRBinding.BindingCodeGenerator.GenerateBindingCode(domain, "Assets/ILRuntime/Generated"); } AssetDatabase.Refresh(); }
static void InitILRuntime(ILRuntime.Runtime.Enviorment.AppDomain domain) { //这里需要注册所有热更DLL中用到的跨域继承Adapter,否则无法正确抓取引用 domain.RegisterCrossBindingAdaptor(new MonoBehaviourAdapter()); domain.RegisterCrossBindingAdaptor(new CoroutineAdapter()); domain.RegisterCrossBindingAdaptor(new TestClassBaseAdapter()); domain.RegisterValueTypeBinder(typeof(Vector3), new Vector3Binder()); domain.RegisterValueTypeBinder(typeof(Vector2), new Vector2Binder()); domain.RegisterValueTypeBinder(typeof(Quaternion), new QuaternionBinder()); }
| namespace_className_Binding.cs
5. 跨域继承
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| public class TestClass2Adapter : CrossBindingAdaptor { //定义访问方法的方法信息 static CrossBindingMethodInfo mVMethod1_0 = new CrossBindingMethodInfo("VMethod1"); static CrossBindingFunctionInfo<System.Boolean> mVMethod2_1 = new CrossBindingFunctionInfo<System.Boolean>("VMethod2"); static CrossBindingMethodInfo mAbMethod1_3 = new CrossBindingMethodInfo("AbMethod1"); static CrossBindingFunctionInfo<System.Int32, System.Single> mAbMethod2_4 = new CrossBindingFunctionInfo<System.Int32, System.Single>("AbMethod2"); public override Type BaseCLRType { get { return typeof(ILRuntimeTest.TestFramework.TestClass2);//这里是你想继承的类型 } } public override Type AdaptorType { get { return typeof(Adapter); } } public override object CreateCLRInstance(ILRuntime.Runtime.Enviorment.AppDomain appdomain, ILTypeInstance instance) { return new Adapter(appdomain, instance); } public class Adapter : ILRuntimeTest.TestFramework.TestClass2, CrossBindingAdaptorType { ILTypeInstance instance; ILRuntime.Runtime.Enviorment.AppDomain appdomain; //必须要提供一个无参数的构造函数 public Adapter() { } public Adapter(ILRuntime.Runtime.Enviorment.AppDomain appdomain, ILTypeInstance instance) { this.appdomain = appdomain; this.instance = instance; } public ILTypeInstance ILInstance { get { return instance; } } //下面将所有虚函数都重载一遍,并中转到热更内 public override void VMethod1() { if (mVMethod1_0.CheckShouldInvokeBase(this.instance)) base.VMethod1(); else mVMethod1_0.Invoke(this.instance); } public override System.Boolean VMethod2() { if (mVMethod2_1.CheckShouldInvokeBase(this.instance)) return base.VMethod2(); else return mVMethod2_1.Invoke(this.instance); } protected override void AbMethod1() { mAbMethod1_3.Invoke(this.instance); } public override System.Single AbMethod2(System.Int32 arg1) { return mAbMethod2_4.Invoke(this.instance, arg1); } public override string ToString() { IMethod m = appdomain.ObjectType.GetMethod("ToString", 0); m = instance.Type.GetVirtualMethod(m); if (m == null || m is ILMethod) { return instance.ToString(); } else return instance.Type.FullName; } } }
6. 值类型绑定
Vector3等Unity常用值类型如果不做任何处理,在ILRuntime中使用会产生较多额外的CPU开销和GC Alloc。我们通过值类型绑定可以解决这个问题,只有Unity主工程的值类型才需要此处理,热更DLL内定义的值类型不需要任何处理。
7. 总结
- DLL调用Unity主工程的方法:需要生成重定向的方法,ILRuntime提供了代码生成工具;如果参数有delegate类型,则需要注册委托适配器;如果delegate的类型不是Action和Func,则还需要注册一个委托转换器。
- DLL继承或实现Unity主工程的方法或接口:需要创建一个跨域继承的适配器,因为过于特殊,所以ILRuntime没有提供代码生成的工具。
8. 创建Hotfix工程
所以,需要先创建一个Solution,然后在Solution里添加一个Project。Project的类型有十几种,这里需要的是Framework下的Class Library,中文名叫做类库。
一般放在Assets文件夹的同级目录即可,这样既不会在Unity Editor里显示,同时也会受到同一个git仓库管理。
9. 给Hotfix工程添加依赖
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| {Editor安装路径}/Managed/UnityEngine/{依赖名字.dll}
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| {Editor安装路径}/Managed/UnityEngine/UnityEngine.dll {Editor安装路径}/Managed/UnityEngine/UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll
10. 编译Hotfix工程,生成DLL
这一步很简单,点击工具栏Build里的Build Solution即可,完成后将会在Project下的bin目录生成dll文件,这个目录下会生成一堆dll文件和pdb文件,而我们只需要其中的两个文件:
1 2
| Hotfix/Hotfix/bin/Release/Hotfix.dll Hotfix/Hotfix/bin/Release/Hotfix.pdb
11. 在Unity主工程拉起Hotfix DLL
- 初始化AppDomain
- 加载DLL/PDB文件
- 按需注册跨域适配器/值类型适配器/方法重定向/委托适配器/binding
- 调用DLL的入口方法
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| namespace Gaia { public class ILRuntimeManager { private static class Holder { public static readonly ILRuntimeManager Instance = new(); }
private const string DllPath = "Assets/AddressableAssets/Hotfix/DLL.bytes"; private const string PdbPath = "Assets/AddressableAssets/Hotfix/PDB.bytes";
public static ILRuntimeManager Get() { return Holder.Instance; }
public IEnumerator Load() { var appdomain = new AppDomain();
#if DEBUG && (UNITY_EDITOR || UNITY_ANDROID || UNITY_IPHONE) //由于Unity的Profiler接口只允许在主线程使用,为了避免出异常,需要告诉ILRuntime主线程的线程ID才能正确将函数运行耗时报告给Profiler appdomain.UnityMainThreadID = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId; #endif
yield return LoadAssembly(appdomain);
RunILRuntime(appdomain); }
#region private
private IEnumerator LoadAssembly(AppDomain appdomain) { Debug.Log("start load dll bytes, path:" + DllPath); var dllHandle = Addressables.LoadAssetAsync<TextAsset>(DllPath); while (!dllHandle.IsDone) { // Debug.Log("load dll bytes progress:" + dllHandle.PercentComplete); yield return null; }
if (dllHandle.Status != AsyncOperationStatus.Succeeded) { Debug.LogError("load dll bytes fail, " + dllHandle.OperationException); yield break; }
var dll = new MemoryStream(dllHandle.Result.bytes);
Debug.Log("load dll file finish, progress:" + dllHandle.PercentComplete + ",size:" + dll.Length);
Addressables.Release(dllHandle); #if DEBUG Debug.Log("start load pdb bytes, path:" + PdbPath); var pdbHandle = Addressables.LoadAssetAsync<TextAsset>(PdbPath); while (!pdbHandle.IsDone) { // Debug.Log("load pdb bytes progress:" + pdbHandle.PercentComplete); yield return null; }
if (pdbHandle.Status != AsyncOperationStatus.Succeeded) { Debug.LogError("load pdb bytes fail, " + pdbHandle.OperationException); yield break; }
var pdb = new MemoryStream(pdbHandle.Result.bytes);
Debug.Log("load pdb file finish, progress:" + pdbHandle.PercentComplete + ",size:" + pdb.Length);
appdomain.LoadAssembly(dll, pdb, new PdbReaderProvider()); #else appdomain.LoadAssembly(dll, null, null);
#endif }
private void InitializeILRuntime(AppDomain appdomain) { // - 注册跨域继承/实现适配器 CLRAdapter.Register(appdomain); // - 注册值类型绑定 CLRValueBinder.Register(appdomain); // - 注册委托适配器/转换器 CLRDelegate.Register(appdomain); // - 注册重定向 CLRRedirection.Register(appdomain); // - 注册CLR绑定,初始化CLR绑定请放在初始化的最后一步!!(请在生成了绑定代码后解除下面这行的注释) ILRuntime.Runtime.Generated.CLRBindings.Initialize(appdomain); }
private void RunILRuntime(AppDomain appdomain) { Debug.Log("invoke L method"); appdomain.Invoke("Hotfix.Class1", "L", null, null); }
#endregion } }
- 问题1: Failed to resolve assembly: ILRuntime.Mono.Cecil